Our work is voluntary and the members and the board work with conviction in their free time for the Atlantic Community. Because costs arise, we are dependent on large and small donations for our work. We are happy to issue donation receipts in accordance with German tax law.
Our Bank Details are
Atlantische Initiative e. V.
M.M.Warburg & CO
IBAN: DE62100305000012579500
Any donation is welcome and tax-deductible in the United States. Donors will be featured on our website, with prominence according to the level of contribution. By request donors may remain anonymous. is a joint project of two independent, non-partisan, non-profit organizations: Atlantische Initiative, e.V. in Berlin and Atlantic Initiative U.S., a 501(c)(3) status organization based in Washington, DC. For our Governance Rules and Disclosure of Funding Sources please click here.
Following supporters provided financial contributions for projects of Atlantic Community from 2011-2016

The NGO Atlantische Initiative e.V. established the website in 2006-2007 with a grant from the Transatlantic Program of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through funds of the European Recovery Program (ERP) of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.
In 2015 we have received funding from IBM Germany for this project, a donation from UPS and a grant from the US Embassy Berlin for TTIP Review.
We welcome financial contributions to develop topics related to our aims and objectives which are of current debate and interest for our public. We reserve the right to refuse any proposal which is not in line with our mandate and supported by the Executive Board. We are an independent and objective organisation giving space to new and young voices. For more information see our governance rules.