Terms of Use and Impressum of the Atlantic Community
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The Atlantic Community is a project of the non-profit organization Atlantische Initiative e.V. based in Berlin, Germany. The project is designed to serve as an open think tank for a global policy community. All parties with an interest in foreign affairs and an appreciation for transatlantic cooperation are welcome. We trust the members of our community to make insightful contributions to the discussion. For external communication, the terms Atlantic Community and Atlantische Initiative e.V. will be used interchangeably. The term Atlantic Community is also used as the brand-name of Atlantische Initiative e.V.
Registration and Use
Registration with the Atlantic Community and use of the website is free of charge. By registering, you agree to abide by the rules and policies detailed below. Please click the “I Agree” button at the bottom of this page to indicate compliance with our guidelines. Note: By pressing the button you also confirm that you are over the age of 18.
Members of the Atlantic Community are permitted only one user name. Your user name must be your legal name. Use of any other name than your own, use of pseudonyms, or use of multiple user names is not permitted and will result in your exclusion from the Atlantic Community.
After registration, you may choose to provide some personal data for your user profile. Your profile will serve as a kind of virtual business card. It will be visible to any logged-in user of the Atlantic Community; make sure you do not offer information you want to keep private. You are strongly encouraged to provide a digitized photograph of yourself, which will be visible beside your name under each of your contributions to the website.
You are required to submit and maintain a valid e-mail address. The e-mail address you provide will not be made public by the Atlantic Community. E-mails from other users will be relayed to you via the Atlantic Community. Whether or not you would like to establish e-mail contact will be your choice. The publication of other Atlantic Community users’ e-mail addresses is a violation of the Terms of Use and will lead to your exclusion from the website. If you do not want to receive relayed e-mails from other Atlantic Community users, you can indicate that in your user profile. We do retain your e-mail address in our database and reserve the right to contact you directly for purposes related to the maintenance, promotion, and improvement of our services.
Rules of Conduct
The basic principle of conduct on the Atlantic Community is that of mutual respect between users. We encourage lively and informed debate but do not condone malicious or unfair treatment of other users. We ask that you consider the contributions of others in a manner consistent with how you, personally, would like to be received on the website. The discussions on the Atlantic Community must be solution-oriented, sober, reasonable, and, of course, legal.
We believe that fruitful debate must be conducted openly, unimpeded by unnecessary forms of censorship. We also recognize, however, that there are boundaries to expression in any forum, and that it is our duty to abide by the limitations as set forth by the laws of Germany and the United States. We therefore require you to agree – through your registration and use of our site – that you will never use the Atlantic Community to post any material that is knowingly false and/or defamatory, misleadingly inaccurate, or overtly abusive, racist, sexist, hateful, harassing, obscene, threatening, invasive of a person’s privacy, or otherwise in violation of any German or U.S. law. By registering, you agree not to post any material that excuses, fosters, or promotes activities which are illegal in Germany or the U.S.
If you choose to criticize persons, groups of persons, governments, companies, or other institutions make sure that all your negative claims are supported by solid evidence. Please keep in mind that rumors and hearsay spread over the Internet are not necessarily solid evidence, just because they have been continually repeated on the web.
By joining the Atlantic Community, you agree to abide by the regulations of the Atlantic Community moderators in the interpretation and enforcement of these rules. Refusal to cooperate with moderators or to abide by these rules will lead to your exclusion from the Atlantic Community.
Please note that German law specifically prohibits anti-Semitic remarks, as well as the promotion or use of National Socialist symbols and thought. Denial of crimes committed under National Socialist ideology is also punishable by German law. We will notify Internet service providers of any objectionable postings, and will inform law enforcement agencies if we encounter postings that, in our opinion, clearly violate the law.
Any user who thinks finds a posting objectionable in terms of the rules outlined above must inform Atlantic Community staff immediately by flagging the objectionable posting as inappropriate.
Please remember that postings on the Atlantic Community are visible to anyone with access to the Internet, and are stored in a database indefinitely. Please closely consider the content of your personal contributions before posting.
The Atlantic Community is intended as a medium for public discussion of the transatlantic aspects of global issues. Do not post spam. This includes (but is not limited to) advertisements, chain letters and pyramid schemes, solicitations, or other messages primarily intended to promote a cause, venture, organization, event (except Atlantic Community-related events), website, or other institution or activity. We may grant exceptions for what we deem worthy causes if permission is asked in advance of the posting.
Please be careful to post in the appropriate field. Do not post the same or similar messages or threads in multiple discussions. Similarly, please refrain from posting multiple threads on the same topic or a large number of threads on any topic within a limited period of time.
Vandalism, tampering, or other abuse of the site will lead to immediate and irrevocable exclusion from Atlantic Community. Violators of applicable laws will be reported to the internet service provider and law enforcement.
We reserve the right to delete any message at our discretion. Contributors will be held responsible for the content of their posts, and through registration agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Atlantic Community with respect to any claim based upon making public any of your postings.
In the event that a criminal investigation is brought against you resulting from activity on the Atlantic Community, we will cooperate with law enforcement agencies if required to disclose your identity and personal information.
All postings and other material on the Atlantic Community remain under the copyright of their respective authors. Atlantische Initiative e.V., the owner and operator of the Atlantic Community, reserves the right to freely re-publish and use all material that appears on the Atlantic Community for non-profit purposes. By agreeing to these terms of use and by publishing on the Atlantic Community, you grant and assign Atlantische Initiative e. V., the Atlantic Community, and its successors a nonexclusive irrevocable right to reuse your posting in any non-profit manner we see fit without notice or compensation to you. This right does not expire in the case of your de-registration or exclusion from the Atlantic Community. All your postings will remain on our site.
Any re-publication of material appearing on the Atlantic Community without express written permission from the authors and the Atlantic Community’s parent organization, Atlantische Initiative e. V., is prohibited.
In compliance with these terms, you agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you or the operator of Atlantic Community own that copyright.
We do not vouch for or warrant the accuracy, completeness or utility of any of our users’ posts. We are not responsible for the contents of any posting. Postings express the views of their authors, not necessarily the views of the Atlantic Community, Atlantische Initiative, e.V., or parties associated with us.
The Atlantic Community and its agents, including our administrators and moderators, are in no way responsible for real-world encounters between our users, unless we organize such meetings ourselves or officially support such organization. We do not vouch for any individual or group organization or participation in any real-world event. If you chose to organize or attend such events, you do so under your own responsibility. Unless expressly stated otherwise, members of the Atlantic Community staff who attend events do so as private individuals and not as representatives or agents of the Atlantic Community.
Atlantische Initiative e.V.
c/o Dr. Joseph Verbovszky
c/o Ferdinand Hettler
Atlantische Initiative e.V.
Fallenbrunnen 15/2
88045 Friedrichshafen
e-mail: ferdinand.hettler@atlantic-community.org
Legal Registration
Amtsgericht Berlin Charlottenburg
VR 23583 B
Tax Number 27/660/59701
Legal resposibility for content under § 10 Abs. 3 MDStV: Philipp Mühl, Vanessa Hungeling and Joseph Verbovszky
Atlantische Initiative e. V. is not responsible for the contents of any and all web pages reached from links provided by the Atlantic Community staff and writers. These links lead to pages outside of the Atlantic Community web site and the Atlantische Initiative e.V. does not and cannot recognize their contents as its own.