Encouraging wide, open and solution-oriented dialogue on the common challenges faced by the transatlantic partners.
In times of dramatic change, we shape common perspectives for the shared global challenges of the Atlantic Community. Through pragmatic, diverse, and honest dialogue between actors of the civil society, we equip the transatlantic bond for the future.
Past Events

1st Annual Atlantic Thanksgiving Evening
1st Annual Atlantic Thanksgiving Evening Please take note of the Covid 19 related changes. Wed., 24.11.2021, Key-note (online via zoom): 06:30pm – 07:30pm Get-Together (in-person):

Atlantic Innovation Dialogue
Atlantic Innovation Dialogue: Shared Insights on Successful Innovation in the USA and Germany Wed., 28.07.2021, 5:00 pm CET (11am EDT) via Zoom (in English). In

Technologische Souveränität
Technologische Souveränität – Deutsche KI-Entwicklung im globalen Kontext Do., 20.05.2021, 18:00 Uhr via Zoom (in German) Teil zu unserer Serie “Im Digitalen Wandel: Innovation und Sicherheit”. In

Cities Stepping Up
Cities Stepping Up: Urban Diplomacy as a New Tool of Foreign Policy? Tue., 18.05.2021, 7 pm via Zoom (in English) In Cooperation with the German

Kann Deutschland NATO?
Kann Deutschland NATO? Diskussion zur Wehrhaftigkeit der Bundeswehr und dem „Verteidigungsplanungsgesetz“ Do., 22.04.2021, 18:30 Uhr, via Zoom (in German). Zur Einladung.

Datensouveränität: Online-Paneldiskussion & -Gespräch Do., 15.04.2021, 18:00 Uhr, via Zoom (in German). Teil unserer Serie “Im Digitalen Wandel: Innovation & Sicherheit” In Kooperation mit dem Zentrum Informationsarbeit

Europas digitale Souveränität
Europas digitale Souveränität – Gespräch mit Botschafter a.D. John Kornblum Do., 25.03.2021, 18:00 Uhr via Zoom (in German) Auftaktveranstaltung zu unserer Serie “Im Digitalen Wandel: Innovation und

“Wenn Elefanten kämpfen”: Diskussion zum neuen Buch von MdB Alexander Graf Lambsdorff Do., 18.03.2021, 19:00 Uhr, via Zoom (in German) Moderierte Diskussion mit MdB Graf Lambsdorff, stellv.

“More Ambition, Please!”: What Does the Next Generation Expect from the Transatlantic Relations? Wednesday, 10.02.2021, 6 pm via Zoom (in English). In cooperation with GMF Berlin. To
Looking Back at Our Policy Memo Competition!

Policy Memo Competition
Policy Memo Competition: Tech Titans – A Transatlantic Way Forward Almost 40 participants drafted their visions on the transatlantic future of “Tech Titans”. In the end, the winner had the chance to present and discuss hisideas with high-ranking policy-makers and experts (in English). It has been a pleasure to gather such a wide, smart, and creative input from everyone involved. Take a look on our pitch and handbook for more information! In Cooperation with Policy Chat.
We strongly believe that smart policies and a strong transatlantic bond can only exist if we unite a broad range of people behind it.
What we witness is that transatlantic topics or international affairs are often only discussed between a “foreign policy circle”. Other people rarely participate in these debates. This makes it so difficult to develop a narrative for the US-German and US-European partnership which assembles a wide majority behind it.
As such, we try to “break the bubble” and bring people from a wide spectrum of opinions, background, and foreign policy expertise together. To make our transatlantic relations work, we need a “Foreign Policy for All”. Transatlantic policies affect everyone. So everyone should be onboard.
Besides this inclusive character, we believe that it is necessary to communicate both our commonalities and differences between the USA, Germany, and Europe. Only with this honesty, we can move towards a sustainable, strategic cooperation in a transatlantic bond fit for the 21st century.
Our projects, events, target-groups, as well as our blog reflect this wide, open, and honest approach.
The Newest from Our Blog

Germany’s Role in Nation Building in Afghanistan: A critical Transatlantic Debate
The fall of Kabul shortly before the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks, marked the end of NATO’s

Scottish Independence and the (dis)United Kingdom – Johnson’s Challenge and the Impact of the Biden Administration
Since the United Kingdom officially left the EU, the Scottish independence movement has as much momentum as it has ever

Does a deterrent Europe pave the way to war between the US and China?
Near-peer competition, Large Scale Combat Operations, war for global hegemony: America First hits China Above! The People’s Republic of China’s (PRC) military and economic rise poses a nascent threat to US global supremacy. But why now?

German-American Relations under the Joe Biden Presidency
It is over. Donald Trump has lost. After four years of chaos, the self-declared saviour of America failed to convince the voters in key states such as Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania to grant him another term. Their choice will have a significant impact on German-American relations. President-elect Joe Biden campaigned on nothing less than restoring the soul of the American nation.The new administration faces a raging pandemic and a troubled economy, much like the rest of the world. Nevertheless, Biden’s foreign policy will be substantially different from Trump’s. After years of troubled relations with one of America’s most important allies, Biden will have to try to re-engage with Germany. Berlin ought to be prepared.

In The Beginning Was The Word: The Importance Of Discourse For German Security Policy
Recent calls from German policymakers and think-tankers for a public security policy debate indicate the importance of discourse for security policy. However, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Discourse – or how we talk about things – exerts significant power over security policy decision-making; setting the framework for how we define good and evil, identify threats, and which policy options are legitimate (or even thinkable) means of confronting them. Just how powerful discourse can be is demonstrated by Dr. Frank Stengel’s latest analysis on ideational change in German security policy. The concise, well-structured work introduces a novel analytical approach, combining post-structuralist, feminist and post-colonial discourse theory, providing much needed insights into Germany’s often contradictory relationship with the use of military force.

Deutschland und die USA: Was wollen die Deutschen?
November 2020, US-Präsidentschaftswahlen. Die ganze Welt blickt auf die USA, so auch wir in Deutschland. „Wie geht es weiter mit der atlantischen Gemeinschaft?“, fragen sich einige. Für viele ist klar, dass es nur besser werden kann, wenn Trump aus dem Amt gewählt wird. Zu lange, so denken viele, wurde im Weißen Haus gelogen, betrogen und respektlos mit der Welt – einschließlich Amerikas Partnern – umgegangen. Unzählige Zeitungen malen sich aus, wie die USA bis 2024 wohl aussehen würden. In den Projektionen schwingt eine klare Nachricht mit: Wir erwarten mehr von den USA. Viele in Deutschland sind enttäuscht von einem Land, das aber gleichzeitig noch immer viele Sehnsüchte zu wecken scheint. Da stellt sich die Frage, was wir eigentlich von den USA wollen?

Why Belarus Matters
It took dramatic events for Belarus, one of the least-known among European countries, to draw international attention. For some three

The death of George Floyd demands bold societal responses
My Uncle ‘Stanley’ was my favorite. He was funny, kind, and made me feel safe. I remember lighting up every time he came around in his uniform. The uniform that got him killed. When my family was finding their way out of Liberia during the civil war, rebels at a checkpoint stopped him. Recognized as a police officer, he was executed.

Western Balkans in the EU: Timing Matters
Amid general pessimism caused by covid-19 crisis, the last few days brought some good news for the Western Balkans, as the European Union (EU) green-lighted the launch of accession talks with Albania and North Macedonia. The long awaited and overdue decision is an indisputable step towards fulfilling the EU aspirations of the Western Balkans, a decision that will definitely inject some optimism in the region. On the other side, such decision heralds the fact that the EU can take strategic decisions, even in the midst of a big crisis, although it did not set a date for the formal start of negotiations, and adds additional conditions for Albania. Another positive signal for the entire region, was the raising of the North Macedonian flag in front of NATO´s Headquarters in Brussels, officially becoming the 30th member of the Alliance. It rewarded the success of the historic Prespa Agreement that solved the 27-year-old name dispute between Athens and Skopje, an example of demonstrated political courage in the region.
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ou want to bring the transatlantic bond forward? You want to become active in a young and innovative organization? Then become a member today! For only 50€ per year, you become part of our mission. We bring the society together and develop the transatlantic relationship of the future: Honest, diverse, and constructive.
You want to write for us?
Under our motto “Foreign Policy for All” we encourage everyone to develop and share their analyses, commentary, and policy advice on contemporary transatlantic issues. Our blog gives your profound contributions a platform.
Contact our Editors today!